Basic Benefits Course
Registration for the September course is open.
Basic Benefits - Cost $400
Virtual Course for CVSOs/GVSOs seeking VA accreditation
This course is designed for the new or inexperienced CVSO and for CVSOs seeking NACVSO accreditation. For CVSOs seeking NACVSO accreditation, this course is mandatory with a required test at the completion of the instruction. Basic Benefits is a virtual course offered three times per year. You need to be a County, State, Township, City, or Tribal Veterans Service Officer to take this course.
Basic Benefits is a 32-hour course. Students are expected to be focused on the course for the duration of the week without interruption or distraction (should not be conducting office or personal business).
General things to plan around
- Normally, 10am-6pm ET (lunch break and end time may vary)
- Payment can be made by generating an invoice or paying by credit card (NACVSO does not accept AMEX at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience).
- To access the course and materials:
2025 Basic Benefits - Course Dates
Course dates are subject to change but it's avoided if at all possible
April and October course registrations WILL NOT OPEN until the previous Basic Benefits course concludes
January 27 - 31, 2025 (registration opened December 20th)
April 21 - 25, 2025
October 20 - 24, 2025